20 augusti 2008

Hopplala vad det var daligt med uppdateringar har...

Vi ar sjuka, hela familjen. Feber, snor och hosta sa det star harliga till for oss alla tre. Inte sa kul. Tova vill inte sova pa natterna, sa jag har suttit uppe med henne flera timmar varenda natt. Precis nar vi hade fatt hennes "sova sjalv rutin" att funka. Suck. Sa vi ar trotta och sura ocksa, allihop... :) Kelly har jobbat fastan han ocksa ar sjuk, han maste ju det i vart lage.

Vad galler huset har vi en kopare, vi har till och med ett kontrakt! MEN - det finstilta ar att de maste forstas salja sitt hus for att kunna kopa vart... Forsta helgen i september ar det auktion pa deras hus, sa hall tummarna for att de saljer!!! I sana fall flyttar vi den 29 september. Vart vet ingen...


Graviditeten ar fortfarande ingen hojdare, men nu ar jag ju nastan halvvags...

Jag har sokt ett deltidsjobb inom rekryteringsbranschen. Det ar ett tremanadersvikariat, sa det skulle passa perfekt. Jag hoppas att jag i alla fall far komma pa en intervju!!!

Har kommer ett (inte sa snyggt, men i alla fall) foto pa mig och magen i vecka 17. Ocksa ett foto pa en sjuk och grinig Tova. Hall till godo...

13 & 14 augusti 2008

Fotot fran i onsdags ar en speciell halsning till Tovas Gudmor!

Dagens bild visar vart harliga vader. Aska, blast, regn, regn, regn och HAGEL!!!! Sen blev det plotsligt stralande sol och typ 20 grader varmt pa eftermiddan. Eh...

12 augusti 2008 - Tova 23 man

So we're home. Back in NZ, where the rain has been pooring down the last couple of days... :)

The trip home was not pleasant, and getting out of jet lag has been hard for both Tova and me, but we're getting there.

For you non Swedish speaking people, I'll soon be posting on my
other blog. This week, I promise!!!


I will go back to Swedish on this one. Thank you for tagging along during our trip!!!
Japp, vi ar hemma. Det var en mycket jobbig hemresa... Tova var inte alls intresserad av att sova pa planet. Dessutom var jag installd pa 8 timmars vantetid i Bankok, men hade last fel pa min resplan. Det var 12 timmars vantetid!!! Som gradde pa moset anlande vi tidigt och akte sent. Forstas... Jag hade tur och kunde hyra ett rum pa flygplatsen, sa vi fick dusha, och Tova sov nagra timmar.

Jag ska inte ga in pa nagra detaljer, det ar huvudet for trott for, men flygresorna var rena mardrommen. Jag ar glad att de ar over.

Val hemma har det varit jattekrangligt att ordna till sovrutinerna, forstas. Med tanke pa att Tova inte somnat sjalv pa typ 9 veckor, visste jag att det skulle bli svart att fa till det. Men, vi ar pa god vag. Nu somnar hon i sin egna sang, sa lange jag sitter bredvid en stund. Hon har vaknat ungefar samma tid pa natten, och behovt trost. Men istallet for att skrika tills jag inte orkar lyssna langre, har hon de senaste tva natterna skrikit i ngn minut innan hon somnat om, och det ar ett jattestort framsteg! De forsta natterna kampade hon ju forstas med jet lag, precis som jag!

Hon har fragat frekvent efter all familjemedlemmar, och nya kompisar, men det var ju vantat. Tack och lov har det gatt supperenkelt for henne att vanja sig vid pappa. Han fick puss och kram direkt pa flygplatsen, och sen har det varit han som statt hogst i kurs nar det galler att leka!!! Skont for mamma, att fa lite andrum... :) De forsta dagarna fick hon lite panik sa fort jag lamnade rummet, men nu har hon lugnat sig med det ocksa. Idag borjade hon pa dagis igen, och hon blev inte ens ledsen nar jag lamnade henne! Hur coolt ar inte det?

Sjalv mar jag val sadar... Var hos barnmorskan igar, och det visade sig att de flesta av mina varden ar helt at skogen. Typiskt... Foglossningen ar dessutom jattejobbig. Barnmorskan beordrade vila, och det kanns deppigt... I 5 manader eller? Va?

Hur som haver, det borjar gora lite ont i hjarnan nu, ar fortfarande lite jetlagad tror jag...

Nedan ett foto fran idag, Tova ar 23 manader idag. Hurra! 


1 August 2008 - bad blogger

Hey - I'm still here!!!!


I have been a totally useless blogger, but I have several good reasons, if I may say it myself... I'm tired, I'm warm all the time (it is tropical heat here at the moment), I'm pregnant, but most of all... I'm lazy...


Anyway, I'm in Stockhom at the moment. I've been here for a week, and will stay here 'til we leave on Tuesday. Only 6 sleeps 'til we're back in NZ. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. I'll be the first to admit that it hasn't always felt like that, there has been really hard days full with homesickness, but today it just feels like the time has gone sooooooo fast!!

So much has happened with Tova during our trip. She speaks so much Swedish, it's just amazing. She has grown so much, both physically and mentally. Even though she can be the worst of huligans from time to time (wonder who she gets that from, ehrm...) I am just sot  totally in love with her. She blows me away...

She has had so much fun with her cousins, and my friends kids that we have hung out with. All the older kids have taught her so much, and she adores them. It'll take her a long time to forget about this trip, I'm sure.

And me... I've had a GREAT time too. Of course I have!!! Me and Tova has been SO WELL LOOKED AFTER! I've been moaning a lot to my friends and family, but I guess those are the people you should moan to. They know why, and they love me anyway!


So, I'll try and post one more post in English after we have got home next week, but have patience please... I'm a bad blogger...

Below some pictures from the last two weeks of our trip, in no particular order. Thanks for tagging along during our trip!!

Fun in the water with Björn.

Playground fun with Isak.

Dressing up is so much fun!

Eating redcurrants.

Tova on the train to Stockholm.

Auntie Cathrine reading book after book after book...

Water fun with cousin "J".

Quality time with my nana, 84 yrs old.

My sister with her hands full...

My goddaughter Lea as a SCAAAAARY witch!

The cutest witch in town!


More water fun.

Rock on partner!

23 July 2008 - just some photos

What have we been doing?

We've been celebrating more birthdays, and meeting new babies. We've also been catching up with more friends, and Tova has been busy making her TANTRUMS perfect. She's very good at it. VERY GOOD...

We've now got only two more days with my family, on Friday we travel to Stockholm by train, where we're going to stay with friends the last ten days of our trip. It's countdown 'til hometime, that's for sure...

Photos now!!

Eating redcurrants from the garden

Rockin' it!!!!

Hello horsie!

My Godmother is reading to me!!


Diggin' it!

Yum! Blueberries!

16 July 2008 - birthday mania

Oh my goodness there has been a lot of birthday parties lately... Almost my whole family have their birthdays within 9 days in July, so there has been a lot of it!!! Presents, great food, desserts and cake. Mmmmm... Most of all it's been great to hang out so much of course. Tova has been loving it. And it's not over yet...

We're now over half way, it's about 3 weeks 'til we come home. Time flies... Sort of... I'm starting to be homesick. Especially missing my man of course...

We've got 1 ½ weeks left with my famiy, and then we'll be in Stockholm for the last ten days, with my second family - my friends...


Here are some photos, catch ya later!!

Celebrating little cousin "K's" first birthday

Celebrating my mum's birthday


 A daily routine, my mum and Tova putting on their faces... :)


Tova's greatly interested of tractors...

Outdoor story reading, wonderful!!

Swedish meatballs - yummy!!

My youngest sister got on the swing with Tova!

Celebrating my sister Ingela's birthday! She had good helpers...

9 July 2008 - more photos

We're back from three intense days in Stockholm. This visit involved catching up with a few friends, checking some other friends out on stage, but most of all it involved busting my butt cleaning out my stuff that has been in a storage for the last five years. A storage that really is my friends studio, rather than a storage... My friends have been very patient...

Luckily I had my youngest sister C to help me. Goodness there was a lot of crap... About 50 boxes, filled with memorabilia and other things. I ended up filling 25 rubbish bags (some tears involved) and took 15 boxes back to my parents house. I might have to go through all that stuff again, and I might have to say goodbye to more stuff. Later. It's quite painful for a mini horder like me...


Anyway. Tova came along as well, and she was great considering this weekend involved a lot of booooooooring things for someone like her. She loved the show we watched though, as it was a kiddy show, involving Pippi Longstocking among other charachters.


This week involves a lot of birthdays and stuff, I'm off to buy presents today. Half my family has their birthday this week!!!

I'll leave you with a few photos. There is also a photo of me today, just warning you... When I was pregnant with Tova, I took "tummy pictures" regularly, so I'm doing the same with this pregnancy. So... The photo is from last week, and it shows my 12 week tumy. Huge. Really. HUGE.


Love from us!!!!!

Splash splash splash!

My friends on stage

Tova enjoying the show

Playing basket ball!!!

12 weeks

2 July 2008 - SUN!!!

The sun is back! It has been two beautiful sunny and hot days, and tomorrow will be as well it seems. Very nice! We've been playing outside with Tova's cousins and trying out the local cafés.

The sleeping is still an issue, and I'm sooooo tired all the time. Luckily i'm on holiday, so I don't have to organise world peace or anything. I would just love a whole night's sleep...

Not much else really, to report. Some photos of Tova below!!!


Playing in cousin "J's" sandpit

Just chillin'

Big girl eating an apple on her own!!!

27 June 2008 - some photos

Not much to report, sleeping patterns are pretty much the same. :)

Yesterday we took a trip with my friend and her kids to an indoor playground, as it was RAINING. Tova was too little really, but she had fun anyway. Her mother with a HUGE belly came along for a slide ride and some trekking around the maze. The photos are not that great, but you'll get an idea of what we did... Tova had a blast anyway, and slept quite well that night!!

Tomorrow we're going to my aunties 50th birthday party, so there will be a lot of catching up with relatives I haven't seen for a long, long, long time. Then next week, we're hoping for sun...

24 June 2008

A new report from me, the most tired mum in the world. Possibly. At least I'm up there on the top 50 list. Promise.

Tova just won't sleep in her own bed, I'm trying hard, but I 'm not getting more than 3 hours of sleep per night. I'm trying hard to get her all tired out during the day, running around outside, visiting my friends with kids, but she's just not settling down. Sure. She's asleep most of the night, but wakes up as soon as I try to put her back in her cot. I guess she's just not feeling at home, and that's fair enough. It just gets harder all day with a grumpy mum and a clingy child...

Anyway, we're having fun most of the time... :) We've been hanging out with my sister and her kids a lot, and also with my other sister who have no kids. It's awesome to be around family of course, it's like... you know... Being home!

Today I visited one of my best friends since way back. She is the mother of my Godson, and also heavily pregnant. I will be around for the birth, which is so awesome!

Tomorrow we will visit my nana and granddad - 84 this year.

I'm also hoping the sun will come back. They had about 30 degrees above a few weeks ago, but I haven'seen anything like that since I got here!!!! I wanna hang out on the beach!!! ('cause I never do THAT in NZ...)

Anyway, before I show you some photos, I'd like to make an announcement...

I'm pregnant!!! If everything goes to plan, there will be a new Maddock baby in mid - January 2009!! We're very surprised, but of course enormously happy about this!

So, feeling like absolute crap, it makes it even harder with the whole sleeping thing, and the whole clingy Tova thing. But hey. People do it all the time... Luckily I have the blog, where I can offload...


Some Tova photos coming up:

20 June 2008 - midsummer

So today is midsummer's eve here in Sweden. It's a very BIG thing, a very old tradtition among us Swedes. It has been twisted and changed a little bit during the last decades, but we all celebrate it in some way. Read more here or here if you are interested!!!

Tova and I celebrated with my best friend L, her husband and their gorgeous new baby (4 weeks!!!) in her mothers house. We ate the traditional food and all. I'm telling you. Swedish food is GOOD!!

I've been catching up a lot on the Swedish food that I've been missing in NZ. The other day my youngest sister treated me with Swedish pizza for example!! YUM!!


What else have we been doing since my last post? Well, the weather has been up and down, but we have tried to spend as much time outside as possible. We've been checking out the cows and horses that are walking outside my parents house. We have been hanging out with my sister who have 2 kids, a 3 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. Tova loves her cousins, it's fun to see them jump around together. It's not always easy sharing toys though, but we'll get there.

I've been driving around in an old horrible blue VOLVO (of course). It was a challenge to drive a stick on the right hand side of the road the first day, but I think I'm OK now... I might need a big sign saying "tourist" at the back of the car...


Tova is catching up on the Swedish real fast, I'm very impressed. She's like a little parrot, imitating everyone! So cute... She is still quite unsettled, she won't let me out of her sight, but there has been slight progress. Tonight she even sat on my dad's lap for the first time since they visited NZ in March! Very cool. As long as I was sitting next to them, she was OK...

She keeps asking for her dad, and I think she's a little bit homesick, poor thing...

My little girl seems to be OK at night, as long as she goes to sleep in my bed. It's tricky to get her over to the travel cot without waking her, but if she's REALLY deep asleep, it works. I tell ya, she's a snorer like her dad. I do NOT want her next to my ear if I can help it!!!


Me - I am still struggling. My nasty cough is NOT getting better, and I still wake up in the wee morning hours. Fingers crossed I'll have a wonderful sleep tonight!!

Anyhoo, here are some photos! Love from us!!

Talking to cousin "K"

Playing soccer with mum

Swedish strawberries - YUM!!

16 June 2008 - Jet lag-leg-log

I am here. In Sweden. In my parents house, where I grew up. It's very strange, but very, very cool!!!

Bare with me when I mumble ahead about the trip so far...

It was a looooong trip. :) I have to say though, it went much better than expected. Tova was a good girl most of the time. Considering her antsy-pantsy nature, she was actually great!!!

The first flight was almost 12 hours, and Tova slept for about one hour on that flight. There was a lot of entertaining for mum to do... But we were lucky to get three seats in a row, so we had space to move around, which helped!

Then we had 5 long hours in Bankok. I decided to rent a room by the hour at the airport, so we got a few hours of sleep.

The next flight was 10 hours, and Tova slept like a log for about 8 hours of that flight. Pretty amazing! Also very convenient, as that meant she was almost in phase with Swedish time. Clever girl...

I'm still not in phase. I feel like I have been hit by a log most of the day, and then around 3-6am every morning, I am SOOOO awake. That's when I'm pestering Kelly with text messages... :)

Anyway, the first 24 hours in Sweden, we spent time with my close friends, "the B - family". They took care of us so well with a hotel-like manner!!! Then, from Saturday, I have been with my family here in south of Sweden.

Tova is still very confused about things, and refuses to let me go for 2 seconds. Sure, it's hard, but hopefully she will feel safe and comfortable with my family soon. She won't go to bed alone, like at home, so I'm having daytime naps for the first time in about 30 years!!!  ;)  She is not eating very well, but they say children won't starve themselves, so I try not to worry, and hope that changes soon too. I'm eating all my favourite Swedish food... YUM!!!

She's asking for dad a lot, and "mamma's truck". I guess that's a sign that she's a little bit homesick... :)

Weather? Well. It's Swedish summer as I remember it - 15 degrees above, showers and the odd thunderstorm... ;) They have had a GREAT summer for a few weeks, but it seems to be over. Ah, well. Weather doesn't make the holiday!

One of my sister's live about 1km away from my parent's house, and she's got kids close to Tova's age. We're planning to do a few minor "road-trips" with the kids in the next weeks, so that'll be fun. Sun would be good then, but we'll manage I'm sure!!!

OK, my brain is starting to feel a bit fried... I'll leave you with a few photos from the last few days. 'til next time!!

Sleeping on the Auckland - Bankok flight

Playing iwth my God daughter "L"

Dancing around with grandma and cousin "J"

11 June 2008 - in English

Tomorrow is the day, the day we go on the big big big plane!!!

I'm writing in English as there are a few non-Swedish speaking people tuning in to my blog while Tova and I are in Sweden. Welcome!

Today I have been packing and organising - well, I've tried at least... I am yet to weigh the suitcase. Fingers crossed it will be below maximum weight...!!

Tova has spent the day with Kelly's mum, so I have had the whole day to finish the packing. Yet I am still not done, and it's 8.30pm!!! Go figure...

Anyway. Leaving you with a photo from Sunday. We went to Western Springs playground, and Tova loved it - even though it was raining!!!

I'll be back!!!

6 juni 2008

Grattis pa dagen alla svenskar!!!


Har sitter Tova i bilen, pa vag till dagis! Nast sista dagen idag...

5 juni 2008

4 juni 2008

Bygga koja!

3 juni 2008

Foto fran dagis!!! Vem behover sked nar man har hander?? (snyggt att sitta vid matbordet utan brallor ocksa...)

2 juni 2008

Idag har vi haft helgdag har pa NZ. Av ngn anledning firar vi idag engelska drottningens fodelsedag, fast det inte alls ar hennes fodelsedag. Joda. Sa ar det!

Tova och Kelly har varit daliga i magen, Tova har feber, och jag hostar vidare. En harlig dag helt enkelt!!!

1 juni 2008

Nu ar det bara 11 dagar tills vi aker. HJAAAAAAAAALP!!!!!!

31 maj 2008

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