23 July 2008 - just some photos

What have we been doing?

We've been celebrating more birthdays, and meeting new babies. We've also been catching up with more friends, and Tova has been busy making her TANTRUMS perfect. She's very good at it. VERY GOOD...

We've now got only two more days with my family, on Friday we travel to Stockholm by train, where we're going to stay with friends the last ten days of our trip. It's countdown 'til hometime, that's for sure...

Photos now!!

Eating redcurrants from the garden

Rockin' it!!!!

Hello horsie!

My Godmother is reading to me!!


Diggin' it!

Yum! Blueberries!

16 July 2008 - birthday mania

Oh my goodness there has been a lot of birthday parties lately... Almost my whole family have their birthdays within 9 days in July, so there has been a lot of it!!! Presents, great food, desserts and cake. Mmmmm... Most of all it's been great to hang out so much of course. Tova has been loving it. And it's not over yet...

We're now over half way, it's about 3 weeks 'til we come home. Time flies... Sort of... I'm starting to be homesick. Especially missing my man of course...

We've got 1 ½ weeks left with my famiy, and then we'll be in Stockholm for the last ten days, with my second family - my friends...


Here are some photos, catch ya later!!

Celebrating little cousin "K's" first birthday

Celebrating my mum's birthday


 A daily routine, my mum and Tova putting on their faces... :)


Tova's greatly interested of tractors...

Outdoor story reading, wonderful!!

Swedish meatballs - yummy!!

My youngest sister got on the swing with Tova!

Celebrating my sister Ingela's birthday! She had good helpers...

9 July 2008 - more photos

We're back from three intense days in Stockholm. This visit involved catching up with a few friends, checking some other friends out on stage, but most of all it involved busting my butt cleaning out my stuff that has been in a storage for the last five years. A storage that really is my friends studio, rather than a storage... My friends have been very patient...

Luckily I had my youngest sister C to help me. Goodness there was a lot of crap... About 50 boxes, filled with memorabilia and other things. I ended up filling 25 rubbish bags (some tears involved) and took 15 boxes back to my parents house. I might have to go through all that stuff again, and I might have to say goodbye to more stuff. Later. It's quite painful for a mini horder like me...


Anyway. Tova came along as well, and she was great considering this weekend involved a lot of booooooooring things for someone like her. She loved the show we watched though, as it was a kiddy show, involving Pippi Longstocking among other charachters.


This week involves a lot of birthdays and stuff, I'm off to buy presents today. Half my family has their birthday this week!!!

I'll leave you with a few photos. There is also a photo of me today, just warning you... When I was pregnant with Tova, I took "tummy pictures" regularly, so I'm doing the same with this pregnancy. So... The photo is from last week, and it shows my 12 week tumy. Huge. Really. HUGE.


Love from us!!!!!

Splash splash splash!

My friends on stage

Tova enjoying the show

Playing basket ball!!!

12 weeks

2 July 2008 - SUN!!!

The sun is back! It has been two beautiful sunny and hot days, and tomorrow will be as well it seems. Very nice! We've been playing outside with Tova's cousins and trying out the local cafés.

The sleeping is still an issue, and I'm sooooo tired all the time. Luckily i'm on holiday, so I don't have to organise world peace or anything. I would just love a whole night's sleep...

Not much else really, to report. Some photos of Tova below!!!


Playing in cousin "J's" sandpit

Just chillin'

Big girl eating an apple on her own!!!
